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Select a Form

1) How is Mom today?

Form Icon

2) Sent us something.


3) Picture/Video Frame

1) How is Mom today?

Form - How's Mom Doing

2) Sent us something.

Form - Share Suggest Reques
Form Request Video Frame Membership
Request Video Frame Membership

Important: Eavesdropping Policy

Video calls to mom are auto-answered.

Please call mom on the phone BEFORE video calling her.


Mom's Phone Number: (541) 226-2296 

The video frame auto-answers so there are no buttons for mom to figure out how to use. Please extend mom the same courtesy and privacy you would want if there was a video camera in your room.


1) Please call mom on the phone, before video calling her, as a courtesy so she's not caught off guard. Scheduling a video call is not a substitution for calling her on the phone before videos calling.


2) Video calling without announcing your call via the phone is considered eavesdropping on mom and/or the staff which is not permitted under ANY circumstance. 


3) If Mom doesn't answer her phone or you are worried about mom, DO NOT check on her by eavesdropping. Instead, contact one of Mom's Trustees, the staff at the retirement home.


Note: If the retirement home reports you as eavesdropping, we will be forced to remove your access to the Frame. Please help us show mom and the retirement home that we all will honor their privacy. 


Thanks in advance for helping us ensure mom keeps her privacy, and we all get to use this incredible technology to keep in though with mom. 

3) Picture/Video Frame Membership

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